Foto: Fred Smink
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Kampioenschapsclubmatch Hoenderloo 25 mei 2017 | ||
Keurmeesters: | ||
Susan Webster (GB) | ||
Eddie Webster (GB) | ||
Dieter Harms (D) | ||
BOB: On The Catwalk No Hills CW'17 | ||
BOS: Ch. Ramchaine Skyfull Of Stars NJK JW'15 | ||
Reuen | ||
CAC | Ch. Ramchaine Skyfull Of Stars NJK JW'15 | |
RCAC | Ch. Sanguinisch MacGregor | |
JCAC | Irruma Dakarai | |
VCAC | Ch. Moondust Tornado | |
Teven | ||
CAC | On The Catwalk No Hills CW'17 | CLUBWINNAAR 2017 |
RCAC | New Star from Golden Millennium | |
JCAC | Tweednous Pixel | |
VCAC | Big Brown Eyes v.d. Gouden Spetters | |
Beste Baby | Virginia of the Hellacious Acres | |
Beste Puppy | Glamour Shine Junior Agent | |
Beste Jeugd | Irruma Dakarai | |
Beste Veteraan | Ch. Moondust Tornado | |
Reuen Babyklas (5) | ||
1 VB | Vestafjell's Quite Knight | |
2 VB | Victoriano of the Hellacious Acres | |
3 VB | Parvani Moon of Rhombus Ward | |
4 VB | Victim Of Love of Duke's Place | |
Reuen Puppyklas (8) | ||
1 VB | Glamour Shine Junior Agent | |
2 VB | Dutch Consolidation Spy vs Spy | |
3 VB | Glitters Past Master | |
4 VB | Eastwood's Gold Fuzzy Wuzzy | |
Reuen Jeugdklas (17) | ||
1 U | Irruma Dakarai | |
2 U | Golden Supreme Eternal Flame | |
3 U | Sequins Separator | |
4 U | Golden Gentleman v.d. Tender Bende | |
Reuen Tussenklas (7) | ||
1 U | Cool At Skool v.d. Beerse Hoeve | |
2 U | Dutch Consolidation Sunscreen NJK | |
3 U | Maybe Forever The One And Only | |
4 U | Peter Pan from the Golden Globe | |
Reuen Openklas (13) | ||
1 U | Under The Button v.d. Beerse Hoeve | |
2 U | Meiepere Quite A Delight | |
3 U | Rocksett Kokomo Beach | |
4 U | Nose For News No Hills | |
Reuen Gebruikshondenklas (2) | ||
1 U | Gold Digger du Bois de la Rayère | |
2 U | Messano Yin Or Yang | |
Reuen Fokkersklas (6) | ||
1 U | Ch. Mr. LookOLook Hidden in the Woods | |
2 U | Zick Zack v.d. Tender Bende | |
3 U | Vanlijnden Our Prince Harry NJK | |
4 ZG | Super Surprise First Mission | |
Reuen Kampioensklas (3) | ||
1 U | Ch. Ramchaine Skyfull Of Stars NJK JW'15 | |
2 U | Ch. Sanguinisch MacGregor | |
3 U | Ch. Herwildy's Michelangelo NJK CW'14 | |
Reuen Veteranenklas (5) | ||
1 U | Ch. Moondust Tornado | |
2 U | Festival's Lovechild | |
3 U | Blueberry Hill v.d. Gouden Spetters | |
4 U | Mon Chérie from the Golden Future | |
Teven Babyklas (7) | ||
1 VB | Virginia of the Hellacious Acres | |
2 VB | Rasberry Shake Hidden In The Woods | |
3 VB | Flaw Less Fenna's Golden Pack | |
4 VB | Potpouri v.d. Gouden Spetters | |
Teven Puppyklas (6) | ||
1 VB | Xanthous Milennium | |
2 VB | What Ever from Golden Millennium | |
3 VB | Eastwood's Gold Tickle Me Pink | |
4 VB | Hotpants v.d. Tender Bende | |
Teven Jeugdklas (31) | ||
1 U | Tweednous Pixel | |
2 U | Riviéra Maison Music v.d. Loopakker | |
3 U | Olvinglay All Eyes On Me | |
4 U | Love Blush of the Hellacious Acres | |
Teven Tussenklas (22) | ||
1 U | Maybe Forever Only Time | |
2 U | Dutch Consolidation Sunbird NJK | |
3 U | Xanthous Beautiful Dreamer | |
4 U | My Heaven from Golden Millennium | |
Teven Openklas (21) | ||
1 U | New Star from Golden Millennium | |
2 U | Sanguinisch Cross My Heart | |
3 U | Balibeau Jacqui O | |
4 U | Marryl's Maple | |
Teven Gebruikshondenklas (2) | ||
1 U | Ch. Gold Dust du Bois de la Rayère | |
2 ZG | Sterre von Tobi's Golden Lana | |
Teven Fokkersklas (12) | ||
1 U | On The Catwalk No Hills CW'17 | |
2 U | Rocksett Sunny Hypnotiq Breeze | |
3 U | Midnight Sun of the Morning Valley | |
4 U | Xanthous Wembley | |
Teven Kampioensklas (3) | ||
1 U | Ch. Limoncella Ter Rode Poort | |
2 U | Ch. Ramchaine Sing Sing Sing NJK JW'15 | |
3 U | Ch. Moonlight Adaline Jewel of Laura | |
Teven Veteranenklas (4) | ||
1 U | Big Brown Eyes v.d. Gouden Spetters | |
2 U | Charlene from Golden Ruimzicht | |
3 U | Wigornia from the Golden Future | |
4 U | Coco Chanel du Bois de la Rayère |